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Writer’s Problems – Plan for computer problems

Back in February, I was planning the publication and launch is my second novel. I was determined to be much more organised this time around and get everything done before my publication date on 26 March. Things were going well editing and cover were all done and I was busy putting together a blog tour. Then the worst thing possible happened: my laptop started overheating.

I did everything I could to try and fix a problem, even ordered a laptop cooling device but no sooner would I turn my laptop on then I’d have to turn it off again due to the overheating. I couldn’t get anything done and my tablet computer only had limited capabilities.

It can be a nightmare for any writer when they start experiencing computer problems. That’s why it’s important to regularly backup your work and save it to different places other than on your computer hard drive. What would happen if you were busy typing up your manuscript and you suddenly lost all?

Computer problems are inevitable for any writer at some point so here are a few ways to help with the problem:

  • Know who contact about repairs
  • Use an external hard drive to save a backup your work
  • Use at least two separate flash drives
  • Use a cloud service such as dropbox
  • Have another computer for backup. This may sound expensive but you could always buy a cheap computer to use as a backup whilst yours is being repaired.

Thankfully I didn’t lose any of my own work but it did set me back a few weeks. So it’s always best to be prepared.


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