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How To Write When You Don’t Feel Like It

Writing photo

Welcome to day two of the blogging challenge. Check out my first post on what inspired me to become a writer.

Let’s face it there are days when you just don’t feel like writing anything. I know I’m struggling to get back into things after being ill over Christmas and new year. Some days I sit and look at my laptop screen or notebook and the words just don’t flow. But I’m a copywriter and blogger as well as an author so I don’t have time for writer’s block and neither do my clients.

I’m one of those people who loved the writing process. My favourite way of writing is with pen and notebook. That may seem old fashioned but I find I write better when I write longhand. Writing on the computer, or in my case talking to my computer whilst it types for me just doesn’t feel the same. I normally only do this when I’m writing my fiction stuff as it does take longer. After I’ve written something I always feel a sense of accomplishment.

Writing photo

So what do you do when you don’t feel like writing?

Here are my five tips to get your writing:

  • Take it one step at a time. Do writing in stages so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
  • Sit down and write. Don’t sit and worry about all the writing you could be doing. It doesn’t matter how many words you write or if they’re any good just write something.
  • Schedule a slot during the day when you can just write. Whether it be an hour, half and hour or just ten minutes. Use that time for you. It doesn’t matter how long out it is.
  • Plan out and outline what you are going to write. Whether it’s a blog post, an article or a scene for your novel. Having some kind of outline can help you be more focused.
  • Give yourself a reward. Reward yourself after you’ve written something. Have a cup of coffee or a bar of chocolate. Whatever you like and enjoy it!

Check back tomorrow for my next post.

What do you do when you don’t feel like writing? Reply in the comments below.

All original content by Tiffany Shand is copyright protected – did you enjoy the article? If so, check out Tiffany’s Amazon Author Page or subscribe to my blog. Your email address won’t be shared. Or you can follow me on Facebook or Twitter


5 Productivity Tips For Writing

The Days When You Don’t Feel Like Writing


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10 thoughts on “How To Write When You Don’t Feel Like It

  1. Jiselle

    I find that most times when I don’t feel like writing, it’s because I’m scared to. So I just put it off. Lately though I’ve been forcing myself to just write what comes to my mind right away and I find that once I do that, my thoughts start to flow more freely. It’s helped me be more consistent with my blogging. I like your idea about rewarding yourself after, especially with chocolate lol thanks for sharing!

  2. tiffanyshand

    You’re welcome. Thanks for reading!

  3. Thoughtflask

    I love reading posts like this as I always realise that I do the opposite. I make up excuses or sit and stare at a blank page – but you can’t edit a blank page. You’re so right, writing anything is still writing. Planning is also a major issue of mine, both academically and professionally. I write as I think and it’s ruining my productivity because when I’m in a bad place I can’t write anything at all, or even when I’m in a good place I just don’t feel inspired. I love your kind of ‘how to’ things.

  4. tiffanyshand


  5. Dora Moua

    What great tips! I’ll definitely keep those in mind. I’ve always wanted to write but fear always stops me. This year, my goal is to set more time away to just put my thoughts down whether through words, art, music, or photography, and etc. Its important to make time for these things because these things are a part of who we are.

  6. Chrissy

    Great ideas! When I don’t feel like writing, it’s usually because I’m trying to write “that epic post/chapter that will e known for all time” instead of just breaking things down into reasonable pieces. Once I get past that, writing gets much easier. Thanks for your ideas!

  7. April

    Wonderful ideas. A lot of times I do not feel like writing but have to put my nose to the grind sto e and just go for it! Thanks for the tips!

  8. tiffanyshand

    Good for you! Don’t let fear stop you from doing what you want to do – that’s my motto!

  9. Mary, Living a Sunshine Life

    Great tips! Honestly, I do a lot of writing too. I blog, write fiction and I journal longhand, just for me. When I get writer’s block it’s usually because I’ve spent entirely too much time in front of a screen so I change things up and do something I’ve been putting off, clean a room, take a shower, read a book, do some crochet or get out of the house and exercise. Usually that is enough to reset my brain and I’m ready to get back into the writing bit.

  10. tiffanyshand

    Thanks! I usually write my fiction longhand as I find things flow better but I’m trying to get it all on computer.

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